About the Series
Francis Asbury is the main character of The Asbury Triptych Series. He is considered by this author to be the George Washington of American Christianity. The three-book novel about the life and times of Francis Asbury opens with, Black Country, delivering what many of Francis Asbury’s biographers have left out for nearly two-centuries, his first 26 years in the west Midlands of England. The second book, Beggar Bishop, brings to life the challenging trials of the young preacher from the iron-working industry as he attempts to forge a church in an American wilderness embroiled in the Revolutionary War with his country of birth. In the climactic third book, Ordination, Francis Asbury continues to struggle with the colonial residents at war with England; he also wrestles with saving all he has labored for from destruction by a factious rebel. To Francis Asbury and others, his success or failure as an individual rides on the outcome of this conflict.
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Read What Others are Saying About Black Country
Click here, Black Country
Al DeFilippo has received a letter from Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II. View details here.
What Does Francis Asbury Mean To America? Click here to read the recent page by Al DeFilippo.
Al DeFilippo Boomer Times Interview with Anita Finley. Click here to listen to this thirty-minute interview.
Second Interview with Anita Finley. Click here to listen to this thirty-minute interview.
Al DeFilippo was recently on television. Click here to view this touching program dedicated to the foster-care organization, Place of Hope.
It’s Here! Bishop Asbury Bicentennial Tribute Audio Production

Bishop Francis Asbury Chaise Drawing by
Tyler Fegley
A powerful audio production of, My Work is Done: The Last Days of Bishop Francis Asbury, is now available. Click here to listen to the dramatic portrayal of Bishop Asbury’s last week alive.