Francis Asbury and America
In America, there are hundreds of churches with the name, Asbury, attached to them. There are dozens of elementary, middle, and high schools named after Francis Asbury. Asbury Park, New Jersey, is named after the British itinerant preacher, as well as Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Add to this list numerous statues, works of stained glass and historical markers along the roadsides throughout the entire country. Why so much attention and honor paid to an 18th-century, British itinerant from the largely unknown blacksmithing town of Great Barr in the West-Midlands of England?
What was American President, Calvin Coolidge getting at when he referred to this British citizen that, “He is entitled to rank as one of the builders of our nation?”
This is the topic of a new page added to The Asbury Triptych Series website. The article covers many of the outstanding effects of this young and unconventional British preacher who braved the American Revolutionary War, the wilds of a virgin forest, and a nation inhabited by many peoples in the land called America. Click here to read the entire article.

Francis Asbury Statue
Dedication Washington D.C.
October 15, 1924
I was born a stones throw from Bishops Asbury’s cottage & drive past most days.If u require I can send you photo,s of his dwelling in its current form & of the surrounding area which you might find of some importance.
I have lived in the Black Country all my life & can share any of my knowledge if you choose to ask.
Thank you Anthony.